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Build Resilient Lives
Resilient living is a new idea for most people. I was first introduced to the idea of resilience when I took a National Defense Training Program on Coastal Community Resilience. As a forester, I realized I have been trying to maintain ecosystem resilience all my life. As a futurist I evaluate 4 potential futures. Growth, Collapse, Discipline and transformation, These futures will have different slants depending on the context of the project.
From the stand point of individuals planning their lives we want to consider the four major scenarios. No one can forecast the future but we need to understand why we are on this earth and what our major purpose is. What do you want to accomplish in your life time? It is much easier to plan what we will accomplish in a year or even in five years.
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Planning for resilience is much easier. The more resilient we are the better able we will be able to adapt to changes in the environment we live in. Our personal and family ability to respond to an emergence depends on how well prepared we are and how much money we have. Our communityʻs ability to respond to an emergency is also a major factor impacting our ability to recover.
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Personal Resilience
Personal Resilience depends on to things:
What we know and how well we are prepared to take advantage of opportunities and respond to emergencies.
think about what you use in a month. You need to store food to feed your family for a month. Canned, freeze dried or dehydrated wood is best because it will last without refrigeration. You need to store 30 gallons of water per person. That is a lot of water. Donʻt forget a months supply of your medicines and be sure to plan for you pets. Sanitation is one of the major problems. Disease caused by poor sanitation is one of the major hazards you will face.
Be prepared to camp out. Donʻt depend on propane or gas. They will be in short supply, There will be plenty of wood be prepared to cook on a wood stove. You will have to be prepared to defend your property and your supplies against looters and desperate people who did not prepare.
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Financial Resilience
Personally, I believe the only way to be financially resilient is to have multiple sources of recurring sustainable income. If one source of income dries up, such as loosing your job, you have other income you can fall back on. there are many ways to use the internet to make money and my specialty is helping you create a side hustle working part time that can exceed you job income.
Watch this site as I build it out. You can use what I do as a model to build your own site to promote your interests and create your own income.
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Community Resilience
Developing Community Resilience is the hardest part because you have to convince members of the community to plan a community response. You will have to talk with your community organizations, find the people with special skills and with equipment that can be use to clear roads and cook meals without electricity.
The City and County of Honolulu provides Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) training designed to prepare you to help yourself, your family and your neighbors in an emergency. Training include rescue from a damaged building and triage injured people.
The State of Hawaii, Office of Emergency Management, has a Hazard Awareness and Response Program that is designed to help communities plan to respond to emergencies. Implementing the HARP plan requires a major time committment on the part of a team of volunteers. Therefore, OEM requires a class of at least 20 before they will provide trainers for the program.
We need to know who has mobility problems and will need help evacuating to a shelter. We need to know who will need special medical help such as oxygen and dialysis.
Legal details need to be worked out. What liabilities do volunteers assume and what can they do without getting in legal trouble. Will volunteers be recognized by first responders. What heavy equipment is within the community, who can operate it and how will it be mobilized and paid for. These are issues you will probably have to talk with you legislators about.
Windward Oahu is organizing a non-profit that will provide insurance coverage for volunteers and will fund projects identified by the community. The IRS has strict rules about what a non-profit organization can and cannot do, so be very careful to know the rules.